Sunday, September 9, 2012

" What do you understand by Renko Charting "

 A trading strategy where buy and sell orders are placed automatically based on an underlying system or program. 

 The buy or sell orders are sent out to be executed in the market when a certain set of criteria is met.

    This is a software which buys and sells based on certain technical and fundamental concepts

     The EXPERT ADVISER is nothing but a ROBOT which works without a manual intervention and is devoid of GREED, NO EMOTIONS NOR ANY KIND OF EXPECTATION.

      Hence it works within the calculated Risk and Money Management Margins thereby giving ACCURACY and it works within the S/L and T/P limits.

Advantages of Renko Charting by – “EXPERT ADVISOR”…Contd..

Constant Operation - Trades and manages your account on the MetaTrader platform so you don't have to monitor it.
Short-term Trading Program – Renko Charting Robot is designed to look for short-term opportunities across all MCX pairs during each trading day.
Advanced Trading Program - Uses highly advanced trading algorithms, also known as Expert Advisers or EA's.
Low minimum investment – 1 Lack  is the minimum investment for the Renko Charting program System .

We Provide Buy & Sell signal on your terminal with 80 to 90 % accuracy with very small stop loss, call +91 93255-99003 Mr. Sudarshan Darade for free trail of 5 days demo & try your self 

DEMO – “Renko Charting Snap Shot”

Let us show you a Renko Charting Software Images

üWill get Min 5 & Max 20 round trades in Every Scripts.                     
ü Will Cover four major commodities pairs.
ü Generate profits for the client with a min risk involved.
ü Opens only one trade in each commodities pair.
ü All trades with S/L and T/P.

MCX MT4 Link :

What is an Expert Advisor

Are you an expert of forex trading field?

Or  maybe you are a beginner?

Do you ever heard about An Expert Advisor?

An Expert Advisor is an automated trading system (ATS) this robot written in the MetaQuotes Language (MQL4) and linked to a chart on the free Metatrader 4 platform.
What for is it?

An Expert Advisor can give advises for traders that make trade and it can be automatically execute the trades on live account. In the other words, you can say that by using An Expert  Advisor , you likely have an expert trader, have experienced, honest and work hard every time anytime for  you.

Actually this robot was used by they who have no time to make trade and have no time to keep his eye on it, or have not some experience to make decision while make a trade.
As Robert T. Kiyosaki said “you do not need work for money, but money will work for you”

Is this no risk?

Hey…guys…Each choice we make have it is own risk, even  you just choose to make no choice.
Just be wise to make right choice while you make decision.

To use An Expert Advisor you just needs:

1. Internet Access 28 kbs or more

2. Personal Computer or Laptop

3. MetaTrader MT4 Software

4. An Expert Advisor Software ( We are provide the the MT4 & Expert Advisor Program )

What are Contracts for Difference CFDs

A CFD is an agreement between two parties to settle, at the close of the contract, the difference between the opening and closing prices of the contract, multiplied by the number of underlying shares specified in the contract. CFDs are traded in a similar way to ordinary shares. The prices quoted by many CFD providers is the same as the underlying market price and the you can trade in any quantity just as you would with an ordinary share, you will usually be charge a commission on the trade and the total value of the transaction is simply the number of CFDs bought or sold multiplied by the market price. However, there are some distinct differences from trading ordinary shares that have made them increasingly popular as an alternative instrument to speculate on the movements of shares or indices.

Advantages of Contracts For Difference (CFDs)

•             Contracts For Difference (CFDs) are traded on margin so you can maximise your trading 
•             NO Stamp duty is payable (saving 0.5% compared to a traditional share purchase).
•             You can profit from falling or rising markets by trading long or short
•             A single account can give you access to far greater range of financial markets.
•             You can limit & Manage your risk using a ‘Stop Losses and Limit orders

Risks of Contracts For Difference (CFDs)

•             The geared nature if margin trading markets means that both profits and losses can be magnified and unless you place a stop loss you could incur very large losses if your position moves against you.
•             It is less suited to the long term investor, if you hold a CFD open over a long period of time the costs associated increase and it may be more beneficial to have bought the underlying asset.
•             You have no rights as an investor, including no voting rights.

Key Features of Contracts for Difference (CFDs)

Traded on margin

Rather than pay the full value of a transaction you only need to pay a percentage when opening the position called Initial Margin. The key point is that margin allows leverage, so that you can access a larger amount of shares than you would be able to if buying or selling the shares themselves.
The margin on all open positions must be maintained at the required level over and above any marked to market profits or losses in order keep the position open. If a position moves against you and reduces your cash balance so that you are below the required margin level on a particular trade, you will be subject to a “Margin Call” and will have to pay additional money into your account to keep the position open or you may be forced to close your position.

Trade in rising or falling markets

CFDs allow you to trade LONG or SHORT. A Long Trade is where you BUY an asset with the expectation that it will rise, just as you would when buying a normal share. A Short Trade is where you SELL an asset that you don not own in the expectation that the price will fall and you can buy the asset back at a cheaper price. Shorting in the ordinary share market is almost impossible. With CFDs, however, you can go short as easily as you go long. Giving you the ability to profit even if a share price falls if you trade the right way.

No Stamp Duty

Because with CFDs, you don’t actually physically buy the underlying shares, you don’t have to pay stamp duty. Saving 0.5% when compared to a traditional share deal.
Commission is charged on CFDs just like on an ordinary share trade, the commission is calculated on the total position value not the margin paid.

Overnight Financing

Because CFDs are traded on margin if you hold a position open overnight it will be subject to a finance charge. Long CFD positions are charged interest if they are held overnight, Short CFD positions will be paid interest.
The rate of interest charged or paid will vary between different brokers and is usually set at a % above or below the current LIBOR (London Inter Bank Offered Rate).
The interest on position is calculated daily, by applying the applicable interest rate to the daily closing value of the position. The daily closing value is the number of shares multiplied by the closing price. Each day's interest calculation will be different unless there is no change at all in the share price.

Trade Shares and Indices

CFDs allow you to take a view on shares and indices and some CFD providers also allow trading on currencies and sectors.

Risk Management Facilities

Because of the higher risk nature of trading on margin, many CFD providers offer comprehensive Stop Loss and Limit Order Facilities so that Investors can manage their risk in fast moving markets.

Golden Rules for Successful Trading

1.     Adopt a definite trading plan.
2.      If you're not sure, don't trade.
3.      You should be able to be right 40% and still potentially show  profits.
4.      Cut your losses and let your profits ride.
5.      If you cannot afford to lose, you cannot afford to win.
6.      Don't trade too many markets.
7.      Don't trade in a market that is too thin.
8.      Be aware of the trend. ("The Trend is your friend")
9.     Don't attempt to buy the bottom or sell the top.
10     Never answer a margin call.
11.    You can usually sell the first rally or buy the first break.
12.    Never straddle a loss.

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